Be free to focus on what really matters

Payments, transfers, exchange and other solutions.

Luan Braga

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Simple and fast

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I.A and cryptography.


An ethical digital account with fair fees.


financial services created by impact experts.

We play the same game

An efficient digital account without bureaucracy

Credit cards with no annual fee and free of bureaucracy

Mastercard international prepaid credit card, safer than cash, accepted in more than 30 million merchants and e-commerces worldwide.

Withdraw from the 24 Hours Bank Network.

Luan Braga

Multiple access and double validation

Create access profiles for directors and funders and have a shared and transparent execution.

With Impact Bank's currency exchange solution it is easier, faster and cheaper to receive remittances and donations from other countries.

Lorraine Vieira

Now it's easy to receive payments at events, stores and fairs

In addition to fair and ethical fees, all transactions return up to 0.1% for impact initiatives, free of charge.

Maynara Lima

Online donations and crowdfunding campaigns

Add a donation button on your website and create custom crowdfunding campaigns to receive donations inside and outside Brazil.

Luan Braga

Who is already with us

Imagine other big brands here

Maynara Lima & João Victor


Talk to us


Whatsapp +55 11 4933-8599

Service: Monday to Friday

9h00 às 18h00

R. Cônego Eugênio Leite, 840 - Pinheiros, São Paulo - SP, 05414-001


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Impact Bank Pagamentos SA, registered with the CNPJ/MF, under no. 40.059.045/0001-56, is not a financial institution and does not carry out credit operations directly. It acts as a payment institution, governed by Law No. 12,865, of October 9, 2013 and regulated by Circular of the Central Bank of Brazil (“Bacen”) No. 3,885, of March 26, 2018 and as a banking correspondent pursuant to art. 2, of CMN Resolution 3,954, of February 24, 2011 (“Resolution 4,656/2018). Impact Bank provides services for the purchase and sale and movement of funds, within the scope of a payment arrangement and acts as an exchange correspondent accredited by the Central Bank of Brazil of Decyseo Corretora de Câmbio LTDA., CNPJ 94.968.518/0001-67, headquartered at Avenida São Luis, 192, sobreloja 25, República, Centro, CEP 01046-913, São Paulo-SP, telephone (11) 3156-2181, ombudsman 0800 770 5422 /, to facilitate the process of buying and selling foreign currency ("Exchange Impact Bank"). Some services provided, such as the transfer of funds from Impact Bank's payment accounts to other banks, are carried out through partnerships with financial institutions duly authorized by Bacen.The Impact Bank Investment Platform is developed by Órama Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A. ("Órama"), an institution that integrates the securities distribution system regularly constituted and operating in Brazil and duly authorized to operate by the Central Bank of Brazil ("BACEN") and by the Securities and Exchange Commission ("CVM"). Órama is responsible for the distribution of investment products. All operations carried out on the Impact Bank Investment Platform are executed and monitored through Órama's control systems. Impact Bank is not authorized to provide any activity related to the distribution of investments provided for in a specific rule and regulated by a regulatory body, including, but not limited to, activities regulated by the CVM under the terms of CVM Resolution No. 19, of February 25, 2021 , which provides for the activity of securities consulting; of CVM Resolution No. 16, of February 9, 2021, which deals with the activity of autonomous investment agent; CVM Resolution No. 21, of February 25, 2021, relating to the activity of managing the securities portfolio; and CVM Resolution No. 20, of February 25, 2021, which provides for the activity of securities analyst. Before making any investment decision, the investor should analyze whether the investment product is compatible with his/her profile and contact his/her securities intermediary and/or his/her investment advisor."

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